Please come let us reason my precious one. Come and hear me pour out my heart!  What is your identity?  What is your purpose?  What is the reason why you breathe? Each and every one of us has the freedom to do the things we wish to do!  Go the places we desire to, keep the friends we want to and engage in any business we feel is worth our efforts. If you want to play now and work later or work now and play later; that choice is yours to make. What you have is freedom and the right to exercise it.  To say what you like, when you like, to whoever you feel like. But do not allow this freedom to deceive you. As a friend of mine would have me say; "we are you!".  Your freedom is our freedom.  Your actions is our actions, your friends become our friends your enemies our enemies. The benefits of what you do today is for us and the consequences is also ours to bear. For such is the burden of ties. As my wife and as my husband as my brother and as...


Happiness, I've  heard quite a bit about it!  A school of thought has it that life's the pursuit of happiness. Now I don't quite know if I totally agree with that ideology but I do know we all wish to be happy,  and that includes  the sadist who ironically manages to derive his own happiness from the sadness or pain of others whether he caused it or not. In truth,  many  people are  partly sadist  and though they may not embrace such areas of their personality in its entirety, most definitely not while they're in the public glare, they still giggle and find strange pleasure in the pain, misfortune or sorrow of others.

As you read it's easy to get tempted to quickly profile people you know, your friends, associates and even family. asking yourself are they in anyway sadist or  part sadist? Perhaps your misfortune or trials gives them that tiniest iota of joy. Well, the number of persons you find when you're done carrying out your mental search  really counts for nothing. And I  say this because in so doing we ultimately fail to think through the more important question,  what we actually need to ponder  is this; am I one of them?

The answer to that question  can not be answered  by yours truly,  so I've decided to drop the chase on the sadist amongst us and return to the more positive, more rewarding  desire we mostly share; happiness.
I want to be happy and there's not a single friend I know who doesn't  have the same desire. It baffles me however that we are not all pursuing our happiness.

Although we do so mostly out of ignorance, we give excuses why our happiness can wait, and provide reason after reason why what we are doing is best in the long run, therefore we get into wrong relationships and  endure the storms, manage a depressing job that kills all our dreams,  practice  religions we don't  actually believe  in and embrace ideologies that clearly  take the life out of life..  You may add yours to the list if it so happens that  I skipped it.

what I firmly believe is this; you do deserve to be happy, to be happy in the long term as well as the short term. and I also believe that you don't  necessarily  need to sacrifice  one for the other, though  it may seem  the only alternative open to you. I assure you that's is hardly  the case. it only  seems  so because you  have not really given much thought to your happiness,  you've not bothered to ask yourself  what makes me happy.  what puts a smile on my face and a merry feeling in my heart.

If you're  yet to do so then you're the reason  I've been  writing all along,  it's time for a little  reflection,  it's time  for a little  self love it's time to ask  what really makes me  happy? what really makes my flowers blossom? and when you  find the answer, you should know the time is now long overdue to create  your  happiness. Oh make no mistake  we don't find happiness we simply  create It! but first we must know
what really makes me happy?


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