Please come let us reason my precious one. Come and hear me pour out my heart!  What is your identity?  What is your purpose?  What is the reason why you breathe? Each and every one of us has the freedom to do the things we wish to do!  Go the places we desire to, keep the friends we want to and engage in any business we feel is worth our efforts. If you want to play now and work later or work now and play later; that choice is yours to make. What you have is freedom and the right to exercise it.  To say what you like, when you like, to whoever you feel like. But do not allow this freedom to deceive you. As a friend of mine would have me say; "we are you!".  Your freedom is our freedom.  Your actions is our actions, your friends become our friends your enemies our enemies. The benefits of what you do today is for us and the consequences is also ours to bear. For such is the burden of ties. As my wife and as my husband as my brother and as...

A lady's tale

.....Tito sat by the pool next to her grand father a man who had raised her through the frailty of his old age, it had always been comforting to listen to him talk  in the dim light of the evenings as he told stories one after the other some real others a fabrication of his imagination for there was no such thing as a fake story. Stories so interwoven with twists, suspense and everything else indescribable that made papa her very own Nobel Laurette. at the age of 21 it seamed rather odd that a beautiful lady plum, tall, fair and adorable would in her right mind  sit out her evenings with a 83 year old man telling a tale she must have heard more than once in the 18 years he'd devoted to raising her since the demise of her parents  under circumstances that are best forgotten. She sat here with him because it had become to her a sort of culture and even though there were evenings when the day's stress caused her to fall asleep while he spoke, she non the less felt endeared to her daddy as she sometimes called him but tonight would be different there was no  element of sleep in her eyes the Moon was bright and she could clearly see the outlines of papa's face and knew that he could also see hers for his sight unlike his body didn't seam to weaken  with age. She would have loved this atmosphere under normal circumstances but tonight it seams  the rays shone through her soul exposing it to his querying eyes.  sensing her uneasiness  he stopped talking and shifted his gaze into the night sky like an astrologer watching for sighs to give her time to put her thoughts in order  for tonight the tables were turned she would talk and he would listen...


Chimeze  took a deep breadth  since the day Tito became his sole responsibility he had tried very had to fill any void she might feel  due to her parents absence and it hadn't been easy keeping up with her while she  ran up and down full of mischief in those moments his experience in raising Tito's mum lead him to believe that she will turn out just fine and he had been right. But now that she was grown it was a different ball game. It was worrisome to him when of  recent he would observe her countenance change inexplicably on occasion though he decided not to confront her about it.  He was happy now that she decided to open up on the issues bothering her in the weeks past but remained at a loss of what to do Or How to guide her through this period of emotional turmoil after some silence he decided to start with a story of he own...



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