Please come let us reason my precious one. Come and hear me pour out my heart!  What is your identity?  What is your purpose?  What is the reason why you breathe?

Each and every one of us has the freedom to do the things we wish to do!  Go the places we desire to, keep the friends we want to and engage in any business we feel is worth our efforts.

If you want to play now and work later or work now and play later; that choice is yours to make. What you have is freedom and the right to exercise it.  To say what you like, when you like, to whoever you feel like.

But do not allow this freedom to deceive you. As a friend of mine would have me say; "we are you!".  Your freedom is our freedom.  Your actions is our actions, your friends become our friends your enemies our enemies.

The benefits of what you do today is for us and the consequences is also ours to bear. For such is the burden of ties. As my wife and as my husband as my brother and as my sister,  as a friend and as one bound to my heart I would have you know that "we are you".

No man is an island, for we are all connected. We are more so at one end than at the other. Connected to some people much more than others, yet! "we are you".

It is said that the shame of a mad man is one his people. But it is not his shame alone that rests on his people.  The stigma and the burden are on his people. If there are blessings and if there be honour it is also on his people.

To my husband, please do not sleep around, because when you do so it  were as though It were me! For every  curse and every disease is mine to bear in body and in mind.

To my wife, be mindful the secrets  you divulge.  For if you do, I too have become a gossip. To my son, watch your company be weary of fools for if you are at peace in their company, then we being fools, have raised a fool.

To my daughters,  watch your step that they do not stray to idolatry or temple harlots for what you are is what we are! remember; "we are you! "

To my friends keep your minds safe and your actions right! for your guilt is mine by association  remember "we are you"

Now to the body of Christ  and those who are my father's sons hold fast to the faith.  No do not be deceived hold tightly unto the precious things NO! do not be led ASTRAY.

For no unbeliever can easily know  the beauty in Christ,  but you is what they know! remember "we are you".

Oh leaders and those in government who seat in Council to determine our affairs. Who go to many nations to speak our voice, who present our interests before leaders still, who know our burdens and  our weakness, please do not compromise or sell us short. NO! Do not betray our trust in you,  remember "we are you".

To business partners who strike many deals, do so rightly within the law! for though you run far away, my grief overtakes you. Remember! "we are you"

Now before my quails ink ends...

Let my lover hear me scream!! my heart has been Yours to keep. My body and all that's mine! but don't fail to care for yourself, your loving soul in that beautiful  body,  least it hurt by a weight of obesity  or the bones of anorexia!

By the itches of disease or the feebleness from sickness. Oh, preserve your mind my companion till old age and groom yourself to appeal at every stage. REMEMBER! "WE ARE YOU!!!"


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