Please come let us reason my precious one. Come and hear me pour out my heart!  What is your identity?  What is your purpose?  What is the reason why you breathe? Each and every one of us has the freedom to do the things we wish to do!  Go the places we desire to, keep the friends we want to and engage in any business we feel is worth our efforts. If you want to play now and work later or work now and play later; that choice is yours to make. What you have is freedom and the right to exercise it.  To say what you like, when you like, to whoever you feel like. But do not allow this freedom to deceive you. As a friend of mine would have me say; "we are you!".  Your freedom is our freedom.  Your actions is our actions, your friends become our friends your enemies our enemies. The benefits of what you do today is for us and the consequences is also ours to bear. For such is the burden of ties. As my wife and as my husband as my brother and as...

Expectations vs outcome

I remember now that scene from many years ago, something in the range of a decade how long exactly I cannot say with certainty. I remember I stood there in the audience above all others with my hands resting on the rail, listening to a brilliant speech by our seemingly eloquent speaker. He had come to our weekly place to speak to us about jobs and employment, the exact  occasion that warranted his  presence  is  something I can’t remember however, as I recall he stood there confident in his stride pacing the podium  as he  dropped nuggets of wisdom, with snippets of knowledge borne from  years of experience to spice it up. 

 He spoke to us about ways and practices to  overcome employment delays, scale through the most difficult interviews, make a fantastic impression and consequently seize the job from your would be competitors. But, just in the event  you do not belong to the class  of desperate job seekers he still had just the right package for you. With  well rehearsed speech He captivated  the crowd so much  they were ecstatic  as though salvation had come their way a second time…

Now,  at this point it’s easy to assume I’m exaggerating but I assure you I am not. For though I may not recall the speech given that day as replicable transcripts, the  vivid picture of the audience’s reaction that faithful day remains etched in my memory, it was outright amazing. So, riding the tide of applause and encouragement from the crowd, our beloved speaker continued his conquest like a determined general. But all was not well. 

Somewhere in my mind's thought amidst all the roar and applause; I could pick out the weight of damage his accent delivered on English words. I felt it was  wrong  especially for a man of his calibre to make such utterances but the audience didn’t seem to mind one tiny bit.  If they were forgiving of his blunders who was I not to? So I told myself “ here is that example of a man  who defiled the  circumstance of his birth, and the environment of his upbringing   to become all he is today  so why  judge him on the basis of a funny accent and other sublime grammatical wrongs”. with that thought running through my mind I pushed  aside all distracting notions and focused on the ploy of the moment. 

Now before long  he was speaking  about his grand DIY self schooling instruction package  the A-Z of   starting out your own  business.   With this package business success is near certain or that’s what he had us believe and we did believe all that he said hook  line and  sinker. We took it all in, it should come as no surprise that when he  hinted that the package was a set of  printed manuals  obtainable at a few stands located at the back of the auditorium  a frenzy was put in effect.

Before my eyes I saw men and women, boys and girls  diving for their wallets, to my left one mama was  losing the big knot at the tip of her wrapper  to reveal the secret stash of cash  she’s probably always kept on herself where its farthest from the fast fingers of her biological underlings, on the other hand I could see  a married woman  bring out a purse from inside a purse and  open one of those numerous zips  were cash can be stashed, it  seemed the men had lost their showmanship with no one ably representing their interest  but this changed when I turned to see right behind me, a man facing the wall with  his hands deep  in his pants; look I don’t know if he was searching for money or seizing the opportunity afforded by the distraction to attend to other itching matters  all I know is what I saw! 

All around me hands were going into all manner of places and money was coming out with them. Since our beloved speaker  had decided to keep us all in suspense as to the actual price of his various packages and only felt it was best we know that it was available  in limited supply everyone  wanted enough cash on their person  to be able to grab their own copy of the manuals at any cost.

 So, like the flurry of horses bursting through their starting barriers at the sound of a gun,  the seats  inside the auditorium became empty the  moment the go ahead to sell was given  with almost everyone rushing to the back of the auditorium as though it was the finish line.  A queue formed right out of the blue.   some faith–full  individuals even  joined the queue without money and only after they had secured a space did they  start negotiations with their good friends to loan them some money.

 Indeed no one was going to miss this golden opportunity, who knows we could all become Dangotes from what secrets were contained therein. Some fellows ordered one manual others two yet there are those who took no chance and bought all that was on display. As for me,  I  stood aloof watching the drama not because I was not perturbed by the "gold rush"  but because I was captivated by the drama, so in the recess of my heart I hoped that mum who was in that auditorium somewhere would  purchase  a copy of the manuals because me like every other person  edging on the queue  wanted those manuals badly.

 Thankfully my wish was granted and mum did get a copy  of those now golden  manuals  and even though it was  not exactly  the one I desired,  it still felt good to have something  to hold on to, our own share of it all, for it meant I could smile  and not have a gloomy look  to my face like  the faces of those who by some stroke of luck  could not  lay their hands on a copy.

 With the available copies exhausted the program continued. for our beloved speaker it was fait accompli  to our monies now safely  secured in his pockets  as he found his way out. For the rest of us beaming with smiles like the  gold rush prospectors of the 18th century all we wanted was for the program to end already, soon enough we got our wish. The programme came to an end and we all headed home.

I got home in a hurry my “treasure  map” in hand.  Once I was behind  closed doors I eagerly flipped through its pages hoping to find whatever it was I intended to find. That was however not to be the case, with each new page I turned my face contoured more and more to depict a state of frustrated bewilderment.  I was having serious difficulty restructuring the sentences in the error laden passages,  which had more  errors in a single line than could be counted on the fingers on both hands; the lexical errors, grammatical errors and  numerous topographical errors that littered the work  where so bold that they blinded  one’s eyes to the knowledge if any that was supposed to be In it. 

I struggled with this a bit and gave up. At about that time, my mum came in and tried her eyes on it for a bit and gave up, and so one by one my siblings took turns at the ill drafted document and came to the same conclusion: the errors were too numerous to allow the written text convey any meaning;it was largely incomprehensible and we were understandably upset. 

As you might guess we were not alone, other participants began to complain through calls, text and.. No No!  not social media at that time such things were not really popular. But people complained all the same, some even made treats and passed all manner of derogatory comments about the man when next we saw but this too was understandable their rage was not misplaced.

 Today, that manual lies somewhere in this house a written testimony to the difference that can exist between the excellence a man may put forward to make his first impression and the absence of due diligence  that characterises his second. Till this very moment I find it hard to marry the disparity between  his eloquent speech and the meaningless document he sold to us. If he earlier chided us for submitting application letters and resumes  filled with detestable blunders how then could he insult our collective intellect with such quagmiry ?

Looking back through the lens of recent knowledge I’ve told myself: he’s just a good salesman, one who’s good at selling himself, good at selling his consultancy business, good at eliciting the necessary emotions and atmosphere within his listener but a man nonetheless who’s terrible at executing the job. 

A man who surfers a problem of difference between elicited expectations and resultant delivery  and he’s not the only offender. You can’t be reading this and not have a similar experience,  surely you’ve  met one  offender of the like,  persons who so  carefully crafted the first impression in your mind  raised your hopes  of the beauty soon  to come, yet failed inexplicably to deliver as promised. And you wondered why? Why would your business partner fail to meet expectations? why did your brother or sister, boss, employee, politician perhaps  even mentor fail despite appearing to have all it takes?  much like my beloved speaker. 

Well I have an answer to this riddle, my answer is nothing new, it’s the same “problem of difference”  between expectations and outcome and am not sure there’s much you can do to solve this no! But, there’s a way to deal with it, a way to handle the problems  that arise when expectations don’t meet outcome or perhaps you’ll like to avoid it altogether..  see you next week.


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