Please come let us reason my precious one. Come and hear me pour out my heart!  What is your identity?  What is your purpose?  What is the reason why you breathe? Each and every one of us has the freedom to do the things we wish to do!  Go the places we desire to, keep the friends we want to and engage in any business we feel is worth our efforts. If you want to play now and work later or work now and play later; that choice is yours to make. What you have is freedom and the right to exercise it.  To say what you like, when you like, to whoever you feel like. But do not allow this freedom to deceive you. As a friend of mine would have me say; "we are you!".  Your freedom is our freedom.  Your actions is our actions, your friends become our friends your enemies our enemies. The benefits of what you do today is for us and the consequences is also ours to bear. For such is the burden of ties. As my wife and as my husband as my brother and as my sister,  as a friend

Our other relationships.

Why do we bother with relationships? why do we allow ourselves to be entangled every now and again in the loop of love? Much like the rabbit that runs almost perpetually  in the circular  wheel  but ends up right where it started; at the  beginning  with nothing  achieved, but amusement  for the observer and exhaustion  for the rabbit. If we spare the time to observe any two persons  who affectionately love one another, we might find  ourselves amused at how intricate the relationship  between both individual is. In some cases, we might  even pinch ourselves; laughing  at how naive, protective,  or loved up they are, and wondering  why they'll  do this or that all in the name of love. Now if we're naughty  enough  we'll be passing our verdict  on how things ought to be  done; what  limits  they should  set, what  responsibilities they should  shoulder, and which responsibilities they  should not even touch.   It's rathers easy to play judge from the outside when  we're not the ones who are overwhelmed  by emotions, But it's  a totally different  ballgame  where  we "fall"  in love.

If you've  read this  far, you're  probably  thinking  this is another  writer's  epistle  on romance and love between  two heterosexual lovers.. well  it's not!  Love is a beautiful  part of our nature that  each and everyone  of us can relate to. Even though one too many  times our notions of love  is  limited to the happenings of a heterosexual relationship  that  usually seeks mutual  exclusivity.  In truth however, love and relationships goes further  than we are often willing to imagine.  So let's explore a different perspective, let us examine  our other love relationships; relationships where  we engage our senses, or sometimes don't! while relating with fellow humans, most especially those with whom we can boast of some level of connection: family,  friends, colleagues you name it.  We just can't  deny  that we love 'em (most of them at least) yes we do!!

  In my experience with  people, and am quite sure you would have made similar  observations; some of the most  amazing and heartfelt  expressions  of love and  commitment  to  an individual other  than self  were not necessarily between  couples, were they?  Some  really  insane  loving does take place outside the boundaries of the traditional romantic relationships; it may  have been between mother and child, siblings, friends or some other  class of relationship  you can think of, but it was amazing, probably  even got you envious. The truth is, that  could  rightly  be you! the object  of such love. It could  be anyone  of us basking  in the euphoria  of love  from those  in our lives. How? Well it all starts when  we realize  that these non sensual relationships  matter,  and that they have an  equally important contribution towards our general happiness. Therefore, how we choose to go about  handling  these relationships really does matter, the fact that they're ultimately unavoidable  means it matters all the more.

Alright, alright, if we mean to improve on this quite important aspect of our lives it's only fair we ask the question; how? Without a doubt there are ample ways to grow better relationships, but for the heck of it we'll look at relationships  much as  we would a business venture: we're in it to make profit! which in  this  case would  be to get love  and affection  and  Sweetness (that's about it or maybe u want more) out  of those relationships. In business (at least on the basic level) there's   always  the impression  that the  higher  the  risk the greater  the reward will be; the more  we are willing  to stake  on any venture  the more profit  we'll make if it turns our right. Amazingly, in relationships  the same  holds true!  If we are willing to place a stake in terms of commitment  to the other person's  wellbeing, progress and life  in general  we tend  to become increasingly important  in their  lives (and by this I don't mean  that  we try to control  them)  almost  always  we notice  a new fondness they'll develop for us. Now please  don't  get me wrong,  this may not  always be the case. Some persons  are just too stiff emotionally  to effect  any change  in the  way they relate  with us, others might  just be too  immature, self centered, or narcissistic in nature to  bother  with us.  which  frankly speaking can be overly frustrating, yes it can!  Oh but we don't  want  to dwell on such  gloomy  characters,  at least  not today. Today  we'll assume that you're  a good  reasonable expressive person  and consequently the laws of attraction  acts in your  favor  which means  you attract  great  personality just like yourself  into your  life  and that invariably  what happens when you've committed to the  wellbeing  of those in your  life is that you start to become  important  in theirs also. Call it karma, I say it's the law of sowing and reaping, you will actually start to get  back all the affection, the love and all the  care which you showered them  with. In no time and I really do mean  no time  you'll be loving  the effect this  has on everything  between  you and the  individuals you treat affectionately and the  cycle continues  with  you both trying  to reciprocate the love.

So here we are with a little more  insight  to how love out of "love" relationships  can blossom whether it's your  best friend,  your  brother, your sister, cousin, work colleague, boss, subordinate,  spiritual  leader,  mentor  or anyone else the  truth  remains simple, when we give "appropriate"  and meaningful Commitment  to the wellbeing  of others  they tend  more often  than  not to do the same. when we  devote ourselves to the  business of  relationships we become  wealthier in that  regard, for by our nature  we are beings  of love, and we tend to be generous  in reciprocal love maybe  not  immediately but often  eventually;  we give what  we have received.

 Just before we are done I should say this when you do love and generously give affection to others sometimes they wouldn't reciprocate, or maybe they do but it's not the way you desired. this does not mean you should stop somehow that love will find its way back to you and even if it does not; love anyways.

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