Please come let us reason my precious one. Come and hear me pour out my heart!  What is your identity?  What is your purpose?  What is the reason why you breathe? Each and every one of us has the freedom to do the things we wish to do!  Go the places we desire to, keep the friends we want to and engage in any business we feel is worth our efforts. If you want to play now and work later or work now and play later; that choice is yours to make. What you have is freedom and the right to exercise it.  To say what you like, when you like, to whoever you feel like. But do not allow this freedom to deceive you. As a friend of mine would have me say; "we are you!".  Your freedom is our freedom.  Your actions is our actions, your friends become our friends your enemies our enemies. The benefits of what you do today is for us and the consequences is also ours to bear. For such is the burden of ties. As my wife and as my husband as my brother and as...

A perspective on the agitation for Biafra

Different strokes for iffereny folks as the saying goes, I had to publish this now although it was written months ago at the begining of the renewed agitation for biafra. Do Enjoy

Why do people mention biafra and I hear "political  sabotage" i say no to biafra! Because it seeks to violate the  very freedom it hopes to achieve and that is my stand point!  Our elders fought a war do we need to fight one? NOO!!! No because their stories did not gift  me any sense of pride. Instead, It made me realize that the true  agony suffered in that war was not so much the loss of life as it was the loss of focus, those years of strife resulted in a "generationalional demoralization". Visible in the loss of belief in the "collective greater good" thay is evident in the manner in which our leaders rule.  Sadly, the drive of the average "man" is centered around individual interest  though many now feign a unified spirit  that does not exist.
        So should we be happy that a new generation has grown, a generation who know next to nothing about the war, a generation that has failed to understand their own history albeit a generation with the potential to even the odds. Looking around I see a generation of Nigerians stepping up to the unique political stage of the 21th century, a generation not defined by any sense of marginalization?  Yet one plagued by one man, one man bred  in foreign lands and driven by a desire to be famous or a quest for power who has decided to scream the single story! The single story of biafra!  And suddenly people, good people are expected to throw away their lives for a cause without course?   Please!!! do not  be deceived by the single story chimamanda  adichie spoke so much about!  your life is valuable to God, to me, and to your generation do not lend yourself as puns or slaves of the ambition of ungodly men. God bless you.


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