Anger is an emotion just like love, hatred, sadness, happiness, joy , fear amongst others now anger is usually a by product of fear or a feeling of powerlessness over a situation but anger unlike fear is directed at a person, group of persons , organisations, or even our selves there are two main reasons why people get angry
*Something we want to happen doesn’t happen
*something we don’t want to happen actually does happen
Now there is obviously a lot that can be said about anger but it’s important we establish if one is angry or not. Since it is actually possible to have a lot of bottled up anger without actually knowing it you should delve through the following subtle signs to help you to recognize anger whenever you meet it.
#1 staying alone
We just want to be on our own all the time even when there are fun things to do despite the presence of family and friends we would rather ignore them all! This is common when we have suppressed anger and our subconscious tells us people will only get us angry we therefore avoid them altogether without even without realizing it. This is not to be confused with introverts though.
#2 Hurting yourself repeatedly
This is one of the signs of anger which is easy to observe. We might notice that we constantly cut, burn, stumble on objects, and end up hurting ourselves especially our hands. Now remember how you lost control the last time someone annoyed you and you burst out in anger saying things you didn’t really mean to say it was because in that moment you weren’t entirely in control of yourself likewise when you have suppressed anger your subconscious which would ordinarily be responsible for watching and controlling isn’t fully in control hence you are prone to make miscalculations which often leads to injuries like cuts, burns and bruises.
# 3 Waking up with a firmly clenched jaw
Unless you had an unpleasant dream there’s no reason you should wake up with a clenched jaw so if you find yourself with one right after you wake up. Or maybe you don’t notice it but your partner is like “you look like you are gonne kill someone” well its better you know you actually could because when we sleep our subconscious takes over and the suppressed emotions such as anger can resurface. Even if you slept well with no night mares clenched jaws = anger.
#4 Change in habbits
Another sign of anger is an increase your level of alcohol cigarettes or drug intake this is not to say a fellow who takes drug alcohol or cigarettes is angry but any unexplained increase in the bottles of beer one takes, no of cigarettes packs smoked or substance use is probably an attempt to deal with the pain or anger they feel by drowning it out and is very suspicious.
# 5 unnecessary dissipation of energy
Ever notice how people just slam doors that required little or no effort to close? well that’s because angry people tend to put a lot of energy into everything they do if they grip you they do so very strongly, they drive faster and hunk away when it’s pretty obvious the other road user isn’t really at fault.
#8 lack of patience
snapping at people is quite common among angry people, they tend to be antagonistic way too often. Those who have been through romance gone bad might understand better ! its when you just snap at people cutting them off not allowing them to even finish their sentence only to start an endless rant about what you are going to say and judge them without ever really hearing what they have to say.
#7 Change in sexual appetite
although the loss of sexual appetite is associated with other emotions like sadness and fear when people are angry especially women they tend to not want sex!! Men on the other hand tend to want sex but it’s usually far from passionate and is usually a means of releasing the anger especially if their partner is responsible. So when next your partner (female)continually refuses you sex for no justifiable reason it should be clear she’s actually angry though sadly you may not even be the cause. Conversely if a man is unusually mean things may get nasty.
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