eah, so you finally get online after a while expecting to chat up with friends and unlike before you can’t seem to find any of your friends online what’s worse no one even left you a message?? Whoa this is so weird!!! Well that’s until it happens over and over and over!! Now it’s become the norm. pause and rewind what really happened?? Well sometimes friends can just stop being active ‘online’ for a lot of reasons like the ones below.
They are busy: yeah I know you totally disagree it still doesn’t change the fact that they could be totally busy doing one of a thousand different things they have on their to do list. Maybe one of them is ignoring you??
They’re just tired of social media: sounds so lame I know but it’s a possibility they are one of those who have tasted the sour side of social media like a private photo leak or they kinda believe that the social media rush was just a phase of life that’s now over and they unto other more important stuff like watching movies? N/B There’s no way they’re deleting their accounts and no way they’re chatting up either!
They’re celebrities … or they think they are?: wow this should really come first! yeah just about everyone can attest to this cuz celebs just don’t chat much with ‘non-essential personnel’ and you know what that means.
Its offline day: so maybe they recently came across a Caitlin Dewey articles while thinking time management or they’re sick or they’ve run out of internet subscription bottom line is they’re not just coming online today. And that’s it!!
Avoiding you: now am sure you’ve had this on in mind all along! Your ‘friends’ may pretty much be avoiding you for a host of reasons, maybe your chat’s kinda lame and you don’t know when to end a chat or u ask to many unreasonable questions or you’re on their blacklist then again they may no longer have the hots for you. or maybe it has nothing to do with you perhaps it’s them; they may just want to see if u care enough to say hi or they really have nothing to say to you, or they’re so engrossed in another chat it’s a kill time to chat with you. Whatever the reason and whoever is the cause they’d just rather stay at bay.
Etc.. don’t worry there are a few things you can do about that wanna find out? click here
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